Saturday, October 08, 2005

I should be doing something else

You may know what I mean... I really ought to be doing something else. But technology calls!

With so many competing tasks and time takers, I really don't have the time to blog. Still, maybe this blog will allow me the opportunity to keep a regular journal, which is something I really would like to do.

So, let the blogs begin! Then, I'll have time to go make lunch for the kids, dig out my window well so that we aren't flooded or frozen this fall or winter. The joys of owning a home are wonderful, but the responsibilities are great as well. I wouldn't have either opportunity if we hadn't been able to move from Los Angeles back to my home town of Layton, UT.

Gotta go! Home Depot calls, and I gotta figure out what is the best foundation sealer and haul some cinder blocks.

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