Friday, April 10, 2009

Star Spangled

I know it isn't July, but I just had the Star Spangled Banner play randomly from my playlist.

I love all the verses, but the last one (also written in 1814) is more impressive to me than the rest:

O! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


Trever and Heather said...

That's my favorite verse too!

Ryan said...

Daniel--you copycat! I taught you to like that verse!

Malauna said...

It's July now! You can sing the song!